What Game The "X To Doubt" Meme Is From (2024)


  • "X To Doubt" meme originated from the Rockstar game L.A. Noire, expressing extreme skepticism with a button press.
  • L.A. Noire's "X To Doubt" mechanic is used during interrogations.
  • The versatility and popularity of the "X To Doubt" meme show the lasting impact of L.A. Noire's motion capture technology.

"X To Doubt" is one of the most famous gaming memes, but for those unfamiliar with its origins, it can lack the context necessary to make connect it to the title that made it famous, L.A. Noire. Video game memes have steadily risen in popularity over the years, including Skyrim's Speech 100 meme or Heavy Rain's unforgettable "X To Jason." It isn't uncommon for memes to arise from conversational options in games, and the plethora of content using Baldur's Gate 3 interactions as a basis shows that the spirit that's sustained this tendency is still very much alive.

One studio that's had plenty of influence on memes is Rockstar Games, with titles like Grand Theft Auto 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 inspiring plenty of peculiar gags. The company has always been good at controlling the conversation, as the way that the Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer swept the internet clearly indicates. Rockstar's cultural influence extends to more than just their most sensational games, and some of their comparatively low-key hits (which still tend to be pretty successful on the whole) have also made a major mark.


Since Rockstar Gameswas established in December 1998, the studio has released several acclaimed titles, but many others have been lost along the way.

L.A. Noire's X to Doubt Origin

What Game The "X To Doubt" Meme Is From (2)

The "X To Doubt" meme has its origins in the 2011 Rockstar game L.A. Noire, which follows LAPD detective Cole Phelps in an investigative storyline. The meme, which is also sometimes referred to as "Press X to Doubt" or "X For Doubt," typically takes the form of a reaction image featuring Phelps, who was portrayed in the game by Arron Staton of Mad Men fame. "X To Doubt" is used to express extreme skepticism about the truth of a given statement or comment, playing on the simplicity of expressing that sentiment through a button press.

How X To Doubt Works In L.A. Noire

In L.A. Noire , itself, the "X to Doubt" mechanic is used during interrogations, which make up a core part of the overall gameplay loop. Although it still features a sandbox city littered with side missions for players to find, the overall focus is on detective work, with Phelps interrogating suspects for answers and searching for clues instead of creating chaos and getting into shootouts. When interrogating potential suspects, Phelps can have one of three reactions to a statement; "Truth," if he believes what's being said, "Lie" if he doesn't, and "Doubt" if he's not so sure.


L.A. Noire 2's Best Setting Isn't What You Think It Is

L.A. Noire is famous for its incredible 1940s setting, but a sequel doesn't necessarily need the same time period to be a great noire game.

The "X To Doubt" meme has spread far since it first appeared around 2013, frequently popping up in comment sections in response to a questionable claim or statement. Something about Phelps's raised eyebrows is just the perfect expression of incredulity, showing that the sometimes overwrought motion capture animations of L.A. Noire can still be compelling over a decade later. It was certainly cutting-edge technology at the time, and the increased prevalence of motion capture in the years since likely owes something to L.A. Noire's implementation.

Like Heavy Rain's "Press X To Jason" and Call of Duty's "Press F To Pay Respects," L.A. Noire's "X To Doubt" meme has proven remarkably versatile for such a simple joke. Unfortunately, there's little sign of L.A. Noire 2 being in development at Rockstar Games, meaning the franchise won't be producing fresh memes for fans anytime soon. That said, it took nearly a decade for Red Dead Redemption 2 to arrive, so there's always a chance L.A. Noire 2 might appear eventually - which, ironically, is a perfect chance to use the X To Doubt meme.

L.A. Noire
Nintendo Switch , PC , PlayStation 3 , PlayStation 4 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One

May 17, 2011

Team Bondi
Rockstar Games

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What Game The "X To Doubt" Meme Is From (2024)
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